Jan 28, 2022
Matt Crawford speaks with author Jay Parini about his book Borges and Me. A book fifty years in the making, hold on and get ready to go for a ride. As an aspiring author running from the Vietnam draft Parini finds himself at the great Scottish institution of St. Andrews. Through kismet and happenstance, he is asked to...
Jan 26, 2022
Matt Crawford speaks with professor and author Dr. Susan Carruthers about her book, Dear John. Are Dear John letters a betrayal of love and country? What type of person would send such a letter to a service member serving overseas risking their lives? Dr. Carruthers and I discuss that and so much more regarding...
Jan 21, 2022
In this episode I speak with author Brooklyn Raney about her book, One Trusted Adult. Raney is an experienced teacher, coach, administrator, director of Girl's leadership Camp, co-founder of Generation Change and founder and lead trainer of the organization One Trusted Adult. All her work has been in the service of...
Jan 19, 2022
I speak with author Devi Lockwood about her book 1001 Voices on Climate Change. Lockwood traveled the world for over five years, covering twenty countries across six continents, to record first person accounts of climate change. Achieved mostly on a bike and carrying a sign that read, "Tell me a story about climate...
Jan 18, 2022
In this interview Matt Crawford speaks with author Wesley Morgan about his book, The Hardest Place. This is an exhaustively researched and compellingly written account of the American war experience in the Pech Valley. A microcosm of the war itself, Morgan fuses reporting embed trips, hundreds of interviews from...